Registration Opens March 1st!
Here's some information to keep in mind:
If you have a balance for registration from any previous seasons, you must pay the balance due before attempting to register for the new season. You should be able to see any previous balance due through your login on our registration page. If you register with a past due balance, your registration will likely be cancelled until the balance is paid.
Teams are being capped at 35 players. There will be no waiting list this year and returning players are NOT guaranteed a spot on any team. We recommend you register your child as soon as possible (10U filled in 3 days in 2024).
If money is an issue, we have monthly payment plans available. Register early, the longer you wait, the higher your first payment will be.
Our registration fees have not changed, the cost for football is still $275.00 and cheer is still $375.00. However, the volunteer deposit and how we collect the fundraiser deposit have changed:
Volunteer Deposit - This amount has increased to $150.00 and you will be required to complete SIX volunteer hours per child to be refunded this amount. WE DO NOT WANT TO KEEP THIS MONEY, WE WANT TO GIVE IT BACK! Please complete your hours so you can be refunded.
Fundraiser Deposit - You will be required to pay a $100.00 fundraiser deposit which will be refunded upon your child selling TEN items during our fundraiser at the beginning of the season. WE DO NOT WANT TO KEEP THIS DEPOSIT, the fundraiser is a great opportunity for your child to grow and learn valuable skills and we would prefer they participate instead of us just keeping the deposit.
If you are interested in coaching or joining the board, please reach out. We are always looking for people to bring new ideas to the table to help make the program a success each year.
Please reach out to us through our Facebook group page with any questions.